Printing and Exporting Linear Regression Models
A concise example of linear regression and its export in R for publication
Set up
You can download the data in the following link:
#import data base
carlr <- read.csv(file = "/Users/adri/Downloads/car_price_prediction/CarPrice_Assignment.csv")
carlr %>% head()
Explore Data
As always, it is advisable to explore the data initially. By examining the data’s surface and its coding, we can gain a better understanding of its structure and identify any errors. Additionally, this exploration may reveal relationships or analyses that were not initially considered during the data programming stage.
#first look at the data
We can also use graphical representations to explore the variables of interest.
# Podemos hacer algun scatter plot de dos variables contínuas que pensemos estén relacionadas
x = "carwidth", y = "price",
color = "fueltype")+
We can quickly examine the linear correlations between numerical variables.
Correlation table
car_cor <- correlation::correlation(data =carlr %>% select_if(is.numeric)) # podemos visualizasrlo en tabla
car_cor %>% filter(p < 0.05) # we can apply dplyr logic to the object
PRINT ________________________________
# Correlation Matrix (pearson-method)
#Parameter1 | Parameter2 | r | 95% CI | t(203) | p
#car_ID | carheight | 0.26 | [ 0.12, 0.38] | 3.77 | 0.012*
#car_ID | boreratio | 0.26 | [ 0.13, 0.38] | 3.84 | 0.010**
#symboling | wheelbase | -0.53 | [-0.62, -0.43] | -8.95 | < .001***
#symboling | carlength | -0.36 | [-0.47, -0.23] | -5.46 | < .001***
#symboling | carwidth | -0.23 | [-0.36, -0.10] | -3.41 | 0.042*
#symboling | carheight | -0.54 | [-0.63, -0.44] | -9.17 | < .001***
#symboling | peakrpm | 0.27 | [ 0.14, 0.40] | 4.05 | 0.005**
#wheelbase | carlength | 0.87 | [ 0.84, 0.90] | 25.70 | < .001***
#wheelbase | carwidth | 0.80 | [ 0.74, 0.84] | 18.68 | < .001***
#wheelbase | carheight | 0.59 | [ 0.49, 0.67] | 10.40 | < .001***
#p-value adjustment method: Holm (1979)
#Observations: 205
Correlation plot
Alternatively, we can create a correlation chart.
corrplot::corrplot(corr = cor(carlr %>% select_if(is.numeric)),
type = "upper",
method = "color",
order = "hclust",
#addCoef.col = 'black',
p.mat = car_mtest$p,
tl.col = "black")
Linear Regression and exportation
In practice, it is best to test the relationships we have in mind beforehand. However, in reality, exploratory analyses often lead to post-hoc models. Without delving too much into statistics, we will demonstrate how to create a simple linear regression model and export it.
# Simple prediction
## Price ~ engine size
lm(data = carlr,
formula = price ~ enginesize) %>%
PRINT ________________________
#Observations: 205
#Dependent Variable: price
#Type: OLS linear regression
#F(1,203) = 657.64, p = 0.00
#R² = 0.76
#Adj. R² = 0.76
#Standard errors: OLS
# Est. S.E. t val. p
#----------------- ---------- -------- -------- ------
#(Intercept) -8005.45 873.22 -9.17 0.00
#enginesize 167.70 6.54 25.64 0.00
Adding more variables, creating multiple models, and comparing them
# Adding more variables and storing them in different models
modelo_1 <- lm(data = carlr,
formula = price ~ enginesize)
modelo_2 <- lm(data = carlr,
formula = price ~ enginesize + citympg)
modelo_3 <- lm(data = carlr,
formula = price ~ enginesize + citympg+ curbweight+carheight)
modelo_4 <- lm(data = carlr,
formula = price ~ enginesize + citympg+ curbweight+carheight + factor(fueltype))
jtools::export_summs(modelo_1,modelo_2, modelo_3, modelo_4) # print as many models as you want together
The jtools::export_sums() function includes a method to export directly to word
jtools::export_summs(modelo_1,modelo_2, modelo_3, modelo_4,
to.file = "word")